Tilt & Turn style windows can be found all over Europe. Why? Because they are the best. They are the best for looks, cleaning, ease of use, and air exchange. Once you try the Tilt & Turn, you will never go back to North American style windows again!
Tilt & Turn windows are secure, stylish, strong and will save you money on your heating and cooling bills. We also supply premium quality traditional casement windows.
Keeping your home warm
Thermal transfer-ability starts from the outside. Your first line of defense in the Tilt & Turn window is thick, durable multiple air chambers in the frame which prevent colder air from being transferred to the middle air chamber. This creates a dead air lock which doesn’t allow either the cold or warmth to win the battle. A thinner secondary wall further helps stop cold from getting into your house.
All our Tilt & Turn windows feature Low E energy efficient glass. For maximum advantage, upgrade to a Heat Mirror glass which has the same summer features with a higher insulation factor to keep out cold. Our windows are also filled with argon gas, a non-conductor of heat and cold.
Keeping your home cool
Air conditioning isn’t the most environmentally-friendly way to cool your home. It creates carbon dioxide which is released into the atmosphere, and consumes enormous quantities of electricity, most of which is generated on this continent by the burning of coal.
Opening windows on a hot summer day instead of cranking the AC is a noble gesture but not necessarily an efficient one. It creates air flow but not air exchange.
Simply put, if you open multiple non-Tilt & Turn windows in your home on a hot day, only a path of air travelling through your house will be replaced by cooler air, not all of it. But when you open a Tilt & Turn window, there is a redistribution of air pressure in the room whereby the hottest (and highest pressure) air near the ceiling escapes outside, with cooler air entering through the side of the window, cooling the whole room. Air flow only removes air in that stream; air exchange changes all the air in the room.
Our glass also blocks harmful UV rays which fade furniture and carpets, and deflects solar heat rays.
Additional Benefits
Sound Dampening
The exterior walls of vinyl European systems are significantly thicker than the competition, effectively dampening sounds from outside.
The Tilt & Turn system is sloped towards the outside, promoting “positive drainage.” So there’s no need to immediately rush to close your windows at the first sign of rain.
While the typical North America hung window has one or maybe two locking points, which break-in artists are very familiar with, the European-style Tilt & Turn window employs a series of mushroom cams and striker plates which prevent the frame from being easily pried out.
Old World Quality & Style
The Tilt & Turn-style window is elegant, strong, energy efficient and tough for thieves to break into.
Rather than sliding up within the frame, or swiveling outward on a track, the long Tilt & Turn window angle vertically to allow air exchange from top and bottom of the window. The long full window pane has greater visibility and is effortless to open and close.
Our Products Last
The first vinyl windows were installed in European homes in the 1940s, and many of them are still around.
Simple to Clean
Tilt & Turn windows turn towards the inside of your home with the turn of a handle, leaving the entire pane exposed. Imagine no more awkward leaning out of your window ledge to clean your windows’ exteriors. Screens also pop out easily.
Do you have a vision of your perfect window? Odds are we can make your fantasy a reality. Bring us your sketch or design, and if the material can handle it, we can, too.
With some 300 colors in inventory, finding the perfect shade to match becomes a simple matter.